
Malta Book Covers

Clients: Prof. Dr. John BaldacchinoKlabb Kotba Maltin, Midsea Books

A growing series of book cover designs for Professor Dr. John Baldacchino’s books centering on Malta, philosophy and politics.

The first, Sejjieħ Il-Ħsieb, is based in Maltese philosophy and a dialogue between ethics, politics, literature and epistemology. The design incorporates the author’s own handwriting, like each stone in a rubble wall (“ħajt tas-sejjieħ”), each letter is unique, referring to the concept of ‘bocage,’ which is used in the text.

The second, Secular Reflections,  explores Maltese politics, society and post-colonial condition, once again bringing in the author’s own handwriting, contrasting with the bold sans-serif typeface and columns of the Maltese Courts of Justice in Valletta.

The design series incorporates the typical Maltese limestone colours that are everpresent in the Maltese landscape, from rubble walls to houses and governmental buildings.